Cycles of Life
Restoring balance to our most sensitive chemical messengers.
It happens monthly, for two to seven days at a time. A woman will menstruate on average, for about seven years during her lifetime.
Every woman’s relationship with the deep song of her cycle is unique. How we think about our cycles, how we feel about them, how we experience them, and what we expect of them contribute to our sense of self. Each woman has her own personal perception of what is normal and what is healthy.
As notorious as our hormones are for wreaking havoc, they are also what pop us into high relief. They excite us and move us. They drive us and enliven us. The complex non-linear relationship between sex hormones, thyroid hormones, and adrenal hormones is like the magic of 3-D glasses: if you cover one lens, things just don’t look as dynamic.
We are rhythmic, but that shouldn’t cause us discomfort or get in the way of our ability to perform and engage. Your body wants to have regular cycles. It wants the grace of a smooth hormonal transition. Whether it is through the hormonal fluctuations of a monthly cycle or through the transition of a life cycle. Anything different is not solely an uncomfortable experience, menstrual cycle changes or abnormalities are a sure fire sign from your body that you are over-extended and under-resourced.
And more. The health of a woman’s cycle is a measure of her overall health. Meaning, menstruation is as important a health indicator as body temperature, breathing rate, and blood pressure. Menstrual problems at every stage can lead to other more serious health problems and chronic diseases.
Change is a universal constant. From the cosmic to the microscopic. The natural rhythm of life is the ebb and flow of activity. While we all experience change in form, function, and spirit from birth till death, it is only the mid-life transition for the woman that is dubiously referred to as ‘The Change’.
There is more to this mid-life transformation than raging hormones. Research into physiological changes taking place in the menopausal transition reveals that in addition to the end of childbearing and hormonal shifts, there are intricate changes to our nervous systems. Our brains are being rewired. We think differently and we respond differently.
Free from childcare responsibilities this time of life presents a world filled with possibilities. It is a developmental stage that holds promise for new directions, careers, and purpose. It is a time of life viewed through the wisdom of Chinese medicine called the Second Spring.
For some, this period of hormonal reorganization can create internal disturbances. The most common uncomfortable symptoms are hot flashes and night sweats. Our thermoregulating hypothalamus is adjusting to these hormonal shifts and not always getting it right.
Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine reset your hormones back to balance so that your menstrual cycles are regular and without pain or discomfort. So that your world doesn’t stop when your cycle starts.
At Acupuncture Wellness, Debra can support and promote your body’s own drive toward harmonious transitions.
Predictable hormonal changes provide little footing in which chronic diseases can take hold.
Debra has years of experience treating:
Menstrual Disorders Painful or irregular or absent cycles, PMS, PMDD, endometriosis
Ovulation Disorders When the pituitary gland doesn’t release the correct hormones
Menopause Hot flashes, insomnia, mood disturbances, night sweats, insomnia
Thyroid Disorders Hypo or hyper thyroid, Hashimoto’s
Migraines and hormonal related head pain and tension
Moderate stress and enhance emotional resilience to promote effective hormonal responses