Women’s Health
Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine can influence the body’s allocation resources and increase the flow of blood to your reproductive organs, improving the quality of your genetic material. It helps to regulate hormones, increase circulation to your reproductive organs, improve the quality of sperm and egg, enrich the uterus, and modulate stress responses.
Pregnancy - the spark of life. Many women report feeling healthier than they have ever felt before. As your baby develops, your body may go through changes that all your preparation and research didn’t prepare you for. Or, you may have had to stop taking medication during your pregnancy for a condition that didn’t go away. Acupuncture is a proven safe and effective way to help you through this period and create the best environment for your baby’s developmental needs.
Hormonal Imbalances
We are rhythmic, but that shouldn’t cause us discomfort or get in the way of our ability to perform and engage. Your body wants to have regular cycles. It wants the grace of a smooth hormonal transition. Whether it is through the hormonal fluctuations of a monthly cycle or through the transition of a life cycle.