Chinese Herbal Medicine
Nature’s Pharmaceuticals
A specialized way of looking at nutrition.
Instead of the foods that we normally consume, less common but more potent substances are used to influence the physiology of your body. Bark, roots, berries, leaves, flowers, twigs, minerals, enzymes, all nourish your cells and organs. They expel pathogens, restore function, and build vitality. Each herb offers a variety of chemical constituents that have specific biological functions.
The origins of Chinese Herbal Medicine date back at least 2,000 years. And the historical roots of modern pharmacology are embedded in herbal medicine. Aspirin was originally derived from the bark of willow trees, morphine from the seeds of poppy flowers, penicillin from fungus, quinine from the bark of the cinchona tree, and digitalis from the leaves of foxglove. To this day pharmaceutical laboratories continue to extract active ingredients from plant materials and a quarter of modern prescription drugs include plant extracts. Yet by the time we see that little white aspirin tablet imprinted with a brand name, or a vial of morphine, the willow tree and poppy field have slipped far from view and are forgotten.
A well-written herbal formula fits a patient the way a key opens a lock, mirroring and correcting patterns. Symptoms and signs are translated into patterns of disease that are then matched with the therapeutic properties of herbs. An experienced herbalist like Debra can write a formula that is the perfect reflection of the condition and needs of each patient as an individual.
For optimal results, Debra prescribes Chinese Herbal formulas to work hand-in-hand with your Acupuncture treatment plan. Debra knows that taking herbs daily at home reinforces the solid progress that you have earned in your Acupuncture treatments. The combination protects your investment and packs a powerful healing punch.

Balance and Relieve
Nourish and Boost
Calm and Heal
The efficacy of an herbal formula depends on the quality of the herbs that go into it:
The right formula transforms into bioavailable building blocks in your body.
We source only the highest quality medical grade herbs and supplements.
Our herbal products do not contain heavy metals or endangered species.