Turning patients
Into parents
The Healthy Baby Equation at Acupuncture Wellness:
(One healthy egg + one healthy sperm) (in a healthy uterine environment) = a healthy baby.
Whether that happens naturally, or in the lab through IVF, either way our goal is for you to bring home a healthy baby.
Male and female factor infertility, couples of any orientation
Moderate stress and enhance emotional resilience to promote effective hormonal responses
Support beneficial intrauterine environment to ensure implantation
Reset balance and regulate hormones
Promote anti-inflammatory processes and reduce pro-inflammatory processes
Improve egg and sperm quality to optimize genetic potential and successful pregnancy
Improve IVF Success to complete the treatment you receive from your Reproductive Endocrinologist or OB/GYN

One Healthy Egg.
Supporting egg health is important for every woman who is preparing for conception - naturally, or with the help of Assisted Reproductive Technology. The beauty of Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine lies in their heroic ability to improve the quality of your eggs.
The quality of your genetic legacy.
Our bodies have a finite amount of energy to function. It’s just the way it is. Every moment of every day, your body makes unconscious decisions as to where to allocate these resources. Your innate intelligence drives energy and blood flow to your gut and tummy to digest, to your brain to think and influence hormones and modulate stress responses.
And your body uses energy and blood to nourish our reproductive organs, improving follicular development and enriching egg quality. As long as our nervous system is operating in its parasympathetic rest, digest, and nest mode, this all goes off without a hitch. Because in terms of function, whether we wish it or not, our bodies will always prioritize survival over procreation.
Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine can influence the body’s allocation resources and increase the flow of blood to your reproductive organs. It can improve the quality of your genetic material - eggs, sperm, uterine lining. It helps to regulate hormones, increase circulation to your reproductive organs, improve the quality of your egg and sperm, and modulate stress responses.

Acupuncture improves rates of conception and successful delivery of babies: