Your body wants to be healthy.
Your mind wants balance.
You are the miracle.
There is nothing magical about an acupuncture needle. It has no power in and of itself to heal. What it does, when used effectively, is trigger your body to heal itself.
You already possess the astonishing ability to mend and heal. We are all brilliantly equipped with an energetic template on autopilot to heal, support, and sustain us. But here’s the kicker: your body’s natural self-repair mechanism only fully functions when your nervous system is in its parasympathetic relaxation response.
My role.
Acupuncturists don’t work miracles, we prompt your body to work it’s own innate miraculous ability. We fine-tune your nervous system so that instead of revving up to ward off danger, your body can focus on cellular regeneration and healing. We balance body chemistry via the nervous system so that it can kill those cancer cells made every day. So that hormones work in symphony. So it can fight viruses and infectious agents. Digest food that nourishes your cells. Repair broken proteins and mend broken bones.
On a cellular level, my role is to support your healing process. To maximize your potential for health and regeneration by identifying blockages to healing and optimizing the environment. Often, the very thing needed is a course correction with someone experienced enough to keep you on the right path.
Your transformation.
Everyone’s situation is different, but my intention is always the same: to identify your true health goals and then craft a personalized plan that gets you there. Because something transformative and magical happens when you are once again empowered and can reimagine your possibilities.
Something miraculous occurs when you are once again connected to your body’s desire and mechanism to heal. You have more patience. You run a faster mile. You sleep the whole night through. You laugh out loud.
You are your favorite self.
It is the difference between feeling vulnerable and being resilient. The difference between feeling ambivalent and being optimistic. It is the difference between wishing things were different and finding a solution.
So I ask you the question that Mary Oliver posed, “Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”
Each person is unique
Each person is unique, so their treatments should be as well. Debra Wood’s approach to wellness includes the two pillars of Traditional Asian Medicine: Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs. Additionally, Debra integrates cutting edge-technology into her clinic with Laser and Microcurrent Therapy and Electro-Acupuncture. Because of this commitment to having a foot placed firmly in each medical sphere, Debra has grown to be consistently competent at offering the most effective treatment plan for each person.
Medically Bilingual
Adding to her capacity to treat, is Debra’s ability to bridge traditional medical theory and practice into a modern biomedical understanding. Debra believes in fully understanding the western medical background of her patients before she begins her Traditional Medical treatment. Not only can she communicate in these two very different medical languages, she understands their histories, their conceptual differences, and - most importantly - their potential for therapeutic use.
Debra spent nine years as a credentialed practitioner at Winchester Hospital. She was a guest lecturer at Central China Normal University in Wuhan, China. She has made house calls on horseback with Tibetan Doctors. Debra was an assistant to the founder of Medical Acupuncture Training for Physicians at Harvard Medical School. She trained with Randine Lewis and studied with Jane Lyttleton and mentored with Jeremy Steiner.
The Missing Link
Rooted in Asian Medicine and backed with 25 years of experience, Debra Wood is a sought out authority figure in the field of acupuncture. She blends traditional wisdom of the east with modern physiological understandings of endocrinology, immunology, and stress-induced nervous system imbalances. As such, her style dovetails nicely with modern medicine’s growing recognition that the systems once thought to be separate are, in fact, intimately connected.
Debra partners with her patients, and her patient’s healthcare providers. Her result-oriented style helps you to live pain free, overcome chronic conditions, reverse dysfunction, and achieve meaningful long-lasting results. Debra has been awarded Best of Cambridge 2021 and Boston’s Best Acupuncturist 2015, and has run a busy private practice for twenty four years.

What you can expect.
Initial Consultation
Your first step! Find out if you would benefit from or are a good candidate for treatment at Acupuncture Wellness. We take the time to do a little detective work first to determine if acupuncture can help you, before we ask you to invest in us. When you sign on for a treatment plan, we waive your initial consultation fee.
Evidence Based Plans
Consistent and appropriate treatments stack up big gains over time. When Acupuncture is properly dosed, it takes the hard work away from your body. Your body simply won’t have time to revert back to what it was before. Because of these dramatically increased odds of success, we much prefer to see you two to three times a week for a month, rather than once a month for a year.
Accurate Evaluation
We understand that each patient has a unique pattern of symptoms that requires an individual response. Years of clinical experience take the guesswork out of finding a solution. We are honest and straightforward about what we are - and what we are not - able to treat. And assess how long it takes to get results.
Care Focused Experience
Once all the detective work has been unearthed, once you have signed on, and your appointments are booked, all of our energy is laser-focused on fostering these good habits by implementing your plan and administering your care. You simply receive!
A Clear Plan
Debra takes the complexities of your health concerns and distills them into an accessible Treatment Plan. We know that seeing you in a traditional format - where you are able to receive a prescribed number of treatments in a defined amount of time - dramatically improves success rates and yields high quality long-lasting results.
Meaningful Results
We stand by our treatment plans because of our clinical experience and success with committed patients. Acupuncture Wellness offers you solutions to get you out of pain, reverse dysfunction, and improve your abilities.