Neurological Disorders
Control Is Within Your Reach
Not all pain is the same.
Your brain, spinal cord, and attached nerves tell your body what to do during every second of the day and night. This complex system is referred to as the nervous system. Because of its precise functions, the nervous system can have negative reactions when damage or abnormalities are present. Debra knows that if you have nerve pain, your brain is getting bad information.
It’s like the difference between having engine trouble and having trouble with the light on your dashboard that claims there is engine trouble. While acupuncture is amazing at treating any type of pain condition, in the hands of a well trained practitioner like Debra, it can be used to rewire the brain and influence how the brain perceives pain and reverse degenerative neurological conditions.
Debra has specialized training in treating:
MS and ALS Pathogenic T cells that lead to demyelination of myelin nerve sheath
Neuropathy Pain, numbness, tingling in your limbs from diabetes, chemo-induced, poor circulation, or chemical overload
Bell’s Palsy, Trigeminal Neuralgia Inflammation and irritation of the facial nerves
Shingles and Post Herpetic Neuralgia Lingering pain and inflammation and latent viral infection
Headaches and Migraines Recurring pain from tension or hormones or medication
Dysautonomia Dysregulation of the Autonomic Nervous System - which controls involuntary actions, breathing, heart rate
Gastroparesis Inability to digest due to diabetes or injury to the vagus nerve
Vagus Nerve Stimulation Inflammation is the central phenomenon in virtually all disease, from cancer to diabetes. Inflammation can be controlled through the vagus nerve, the body’s main “highway” of neural information that prompts and curbs inflammation.