A Good Offense
Weathering the storm.
Constitutional health refers to a combination of genetics, lifestyle, food intake, financial resources, community resources, access to medical resources, pre-existing conditions, medication regimen, stress exposure, partner status, and age. Some of us won the constitutional lottery and are tracking for stable life-long health.
These are the folks that will be able to weather the pandemic with little change to their overall life. And if they do contract the virus, they’ll be able to recover quickly.
Others of us are not so lucky.
Really, the best defense is a good immune system - and some of us need more support than others. Acupuncture normalizes the body’s immune responses. It finds the sweet spot where your body is able to mount a vigorous response, but not so much so that it becomes self-defeating. It helps to maintain a robust immune system by supporting your ability to repel pathogenic invaders like germs and viruses and allergens and by lowering systemic inflammation.
Strong immunity not a guarantee that you won’t contract a virus or bug. It does however, help with both defense and outcome.
Acupuncture modulates inflammation.
In the Aug 2020 edition of Neuron, a team of researchers led by neuroscientists at Harvard Medical School successfully used acupuncture to tame systemic inflammation.
In the study, electro-acupuncture stimulation influences how animals coped with cytokine storm — the rapid release of large amounts of inflammation-fueling cytokine molecules.

Universal Precautions at Acupuncture Wellness
Your practitioner is triple vaccinated. She wears a surgical mask.
Patients are not required to wear masks. If you don’t have one, we are happy to supply you with one.
Both patient and practitioner complete the CDC screening questionnaire before entering the clinic each and every visit. Nobody is to enter the clinic if they have a positive COVID-19 screening result.
Treatment tables and frequently touched areas are sanitized with anti-microbial agents.
Completely renovated, Acupuncture Wellness runs a state of the art air-filtration system.
Trained in proper hand-washing procedures and the hand hygiene protocol “Five Moments Of Hand Hygiene”, which includes washing hands or using hand sanitizer prior to, and following, each patient interaction.