Microcurrent and
Electro Acupuncture
Traditional Medicine.
Modern Tools.
Offering a minute electrical prompt to the body to restore balance.
Acupuncture Wellness demystifies the time honored, ancient healing modalities of traditional medicine and integrates them with the latest in bioenergetic medicine to take away the guess work of what to do when you don’t know what to do. Debra employs very specific frequencies of minute currents to send information electro-magnetically along the fascial planes in your body.
Electro-Acupuncture Medicine is an innovative medical technique for treating pain that uses a whisper low-level electrical current. Your nervous system already uses electricity as its language. This current delivers a message to your nervous system to relieve pain and stimulate healing. Frequencies have a measurable effect on our bodies and can almost instantaneously change body chemistry.
There are frequencies clinically proven to trigger your body to secrete neurotransmitters that release your body’s own natural painkillers and anti-inflammatory molecules. It’s like writing a computer program for our bodies to heal!
As a certified master in Microcurrent Therapy as well as Electro-Acupuncture Medicine, Debra is the only acupuncturist in the Greater Boston area trained in these state-of-the-art therapies that help you live pain free, reverse chronic conditions, and achieve long lasting results.

Universal Precautions at Acupuncture Wellness
Your practitioner is triple vaccinated. She wears a surgical mask.
Patients are required to wear masks. If you don’t have one, we are happy to supply you with one.
Both patient and practitioner complete the CDC screening questionnaire before entering the clinic each and every visit. Nobody is to enter the clinic if they have a positive COVID-19 screening result.
Treatment tables and frequently touched areas are sanitized with anti-microbial agents.
Completely renovated - Acupuncture Wellness runs a state of the art air-filtration system.
Trained in proper hand-washing procedures and the hand hygiene protocol “Five Moments Of Hand Hygiene”, which includes washing hands or using hand sanitizer prior to, and following, each patient interaction.