Digestive Disorders
Heal Your Gut and Reduce Inflammation
Rest and Digest.
We know that when we eat well we are supplying our body with healthy nutrients. And when our digestive system is in good working order, our body is able to convert those minerals and nutrients and vitamins into the vital building blocks that cells need to function and communicate, to regenerate and heal.
The trick of it all, is that these visceral organic processes are finely tuned to our sense of safety and danger and the stress of managing them. Healthy digestion happens in symphony with our nervous system and our digestive system is only fully functional when our nervous system switches on its parasympathetic relaxation response.
Healthy digestion will nourish and sustain and defend your whole body.
The key role of the tummy and gut system is to absorb nutrients into the blood stream while filtering out harmful bacteria and pathogens. Debra knows that compromised digestion lets inflammatory molecules into the bloodstream which can trigger a cascade of immune reactions.
She knows the impact of stress on our tummy and gut systems can lead to malabsorption and a breakdown of the processes needed to nourish your body. The very processes needed to regulate your hormones so you are able to start a family. That nourish your brain and modulate your immune system so you can capitalize on your resilience and weather the storms that life brings.
Nothing happens in isolation. By connecting the dots, Debra treats your whole self.
Debra has years of experience treating:
IBS, Crohn’s Disease, SIBO, Ulcerative Colitis Regulate digestive function via the Nervous System
Gastritis and Heartburn and GERD Regulate stomach acid and promote nutrient absorption
Constipation Increase peristalsis to move intestines and relieve bloat
Diarrhea Slow down digestion and promote nutrient absorption
Iliocecal Valve Syndrome and the often overlooked toxic, painful conditions it creates
Food Allergies Undigested proteins can lead to gut inflammation which can then result in full blown “leaky gut” or IBS
Ambiguous Digestive Issues Chronic bloating, constipation, gas, acid reflux, diarrhea and abdominal pain are signal that your gut likely needs attention. Feeling slow, heavy, or lethargic after meals is a warning sign that your digestion is compromised.
In Traditional Asian Medicine, it is said that “over 100 diseases are linked to the stomach”.
Allergies, sinus, skin, poor wound healing, GERD, heartburn, OA, RA, osteoporosis, CFS, infertility, ADHD, brain health, PTSD, insomnia, IBS, resilience, ICV, autoimmune disease, SIBO, fatigue, hormonal imbalances, infertility.
Listen to your body. Believe your gut. Trust your unconscious intelligence.
“The road to health is paved with good intestines!”
— Sherry A. Rogers