Qi For Two

How acupuncture works for you during pregnancy:
Optimize Genetic Potential
Acupuncture works with the body to treat common pregnancy symptoms in a way that is safe for you and your developing baby. It works without the use of medications, so you can feel better without the worry of exposing your little one to anything dangerous. We all know, the list of over-the-counter remedies that are off-limits during pregnancy is longer than the list of medications a pregnant woman can take.
In addition to managing symptoms, acupuncture also supports both mom and baby by moderating stress reactions. There is evidence that chronic stress during pregnancy can lead to lower birth weight, earlier delivery, and may even affect brain development. Many women come in throughout their pregnancies to keep symptoms at bay and enhance emotional resilience.
Well timed acupuncture throughout your pregnancy not only helps your body to manage stress, Debra uses the traditional - yet very specific - Happy Baby Protocol to maximize healthy development and optimize gene expression. These points promote an optimal uterine environment for baby’s development.
Pregnancy Related Complications
With all the physical and hormonal changes that occur, pregnancy can brings it’s own brand of discomfort. Debra knows that reducing the discomforts of pregnancy redirects mom’s resources toward providing an optimal uterine environment.
Common First Trimester Ailments:
Nausea and morning sickness, prevention of miscarriage, fatigue, bloating, mood swings.
Common Second Trimester Ailments:
Headaches and migraines, back pain and sciatica, digestive problems, heartburn, constipation.
Body Changes and Pain. A pregnant woman's growing uterus and body changes often lead to back pain and sciatica. Her expanding uterus and the extra body weight shifts the body's center of gravity, weakens abdominal muscles, and strains the back.
Sleep Problems. Getting to sleep and staying asleep is trickier than ever during pregnancy. Research shows that pregnant women who receive acupuncture sleep better.
Pre-Existing Medical Condition
Moms who had medical conditions before they got pregnant need specialized care. In addition to the added discomfort of sickness, many medicines are prohibited in pregnancy yet the still-present illness compromises the overall health of mom and baby.
Acupuncture strengthens both you and your baby’s immunity. Debra knows that by regulating mom’s immunity it increases the components of white blood cells that protect both her and baby from infection. Acupuncture reduces inflammation associated with an immune response and modulates the nervous system.
Chinese medicine believes it is better to prevent disease or intervene in the early stages rather than treating it after the onset. Regular acupuncture during pregnancy for these moms is doubly important to prevent sickness or to nip infections in the bud.
Labor Preparation
Pre-Birth Acupuncture is a series of weekly treatments beginning at week 35 of your pregnancy that are designed to help your body go into labor on time, and for labor to progress normally and without complication once it begins. It is not labor induction and will not bring on labor.
Pre-birth acupuncture reduces the need for epidurals, emergency C-sections, and reduces the time you spend in active labor. Overall, moms who receive these treatments have an easier time delivering, which pans out as less time needed to recover and more energy and resources for baby.
Post-Term Labor ‘Induction’ Though we’d rather meet you before baby is already post-term, it is never too late. Debra has a reliable method to keep you on track with your birth plan.
We refrain from using the western term, ‘induction’. Instead, acupuncture can promote labor by preparing the cervix and initiating the natural cascade of hormonal events that need to happen for labor to start. When labor begins, it's more likely to be because the whole body is ready. Labors prompted by acupuncture are less likely to require interventions like c-section and epidural pain relief when compared to labors induced artificially.
Breech Presentation
If you’ve been told by your midwife or OB that your baby isn’t in position for a vaginal birth because baby is in breech position, you may also have been told that you need to have an in-hospital procedure to reposition the baby or even a cesarean section.
Don’t worry. Studies show that treating a point at the tip of the mother's pinky toe can be effective in turning baby from a feet-down breech position to a head-down cephalic position. Debra has had enormous success turning breech babies when treatment is initiated by week 33 or 34 of the pregnancy, while there is still plenty of elbow room in the womb for baby to move.
Breech Baby Treatment encourages the release of two specific hormones in pregnancy, placental estrogen and prostaglandins. Research suggests that they stimulate fetal movement, reliably helping baby to move into the optimal, head-down position for a more straightforward vaginal birth.
Postpartum Recovery
Traditionally in China, new mothers were not to leave their home or wash their hair for three months postpartum. Doctors back then knew that the loss of blood, fluids, qi, and energy during labor, leaves the new mom’s metabolism and immune system vulnerable. Rituals like this aren’t as easy to maintain in today’s culture.
The Fourth Trimester Bounce Back After Baby Program at Acupuncture Wellness is a modern adaptation for ensuring that the new mom’s body is fortified and supported so that she, in turn, can nurture baby. Debra knows that treating a woman at this pivotal time can prompt her body to reallocate vital hormonal resources - ensuring that baby is nourished. Balancing hormones safeguards against emotional pitfalls and optimizes metabolism, making it easier for her body to ‘bounce back’ with meaningful milestones. This program makes the ultimate Baby Shower gift!
Debra has years of experience treating pregnant women:
Promote an optimal uterine environment to ensure that genetic potential is met
Maximize healthy development and optimize gene expression with “Happy Baby Points”
Improve blood flow to umbilical cord, increasing uterine microcirculation
Minimize risk factors capable of affecting both mother and baby
Manage common pregnancy related complications like non-genetic related miscarriages
Moderate stress and enhance emotional resilience to promote effective hormonal responses
Relieve morning sickness, heart burn, fatigue, insomnia, pelvic and back pain
Pre-birth Protocol to encourage a timely and uncomplicated labor
Third Trimester support for breech babies or natural labor “ripening” to prevent induction
Fourth Trimester “Bounce Back After Baby” Program