Feel Better Than Ever
Get Well. Stay Healthy.
Acupuncture works by activating your body’s own self-healing mechanism. It is rooted in the belief that the human body is resilient, that we heal from the inside. There is no disconnect between physical pain or functional imbalances or emotional stress. Acupuncture treats your whole self.
Even on our most vibrant of days we are wearing ourselves out, and our cells have the never-ending task of repairing and regenerating. Chronic disease and dysfunction occur when we lose the ability to make new cells that work properly. Acupuncture restores this cascade of events, it improves circulation and clears blockages to healing. It balances your nervous system and restores function. Acupuncture interrupts pain signaling and acts as a natural analgesic.
When your brain is once again able to effectively communicate with disrupted cells, internal organs get recharged. They regain the ability to generate new cells and tissues that work properly. Your ability to function is restored. Chronic disease reverses. Pain is relieved. Hormones work in harmony again. Your immunity is more robust. Your body is healthier! You have more resilience and you are happier.
While acupuncture is amazing on its own, in the hands of a well-trained and seasoned practitioner like Debra, you will tap in to an intentional process of healing. She will maximize your potential for a happy and healthy life by by zeroing in on the root cause that prevents you from healing or functioning. Debra offers a solution that optimizes your own body’s innate ability to heal and thrive.
“Self-care is giving the world the best of you, instead of the rest of you.”
— Audre Lorde
The Science Behind Acupuncture
Acupuncture originated in China around 3,000 years ago and remains one of the oldest, most commonly used systems of healing used continuously in the world. These days, science validates the theory in numerous ways:
MRI Readings show that acupuncture prompts observable changes in the brain
Electrical Conductivity is increased as connective tissue winds around the needles
Thermal Imaging reveals that acupuncture reduces inflammation
Doppler Ultrasound demonstrates that acupuncture increases blood flow and circulation

Universal Precautions at Acupuncture Wellness
Your practitioner is triple vaccinated. She wears a surgical mask.
Patients are not required to wear masks. If you don’t have one, we are happy to supply you with one.
Both patient and practitioner complete the CDC screening questionnaire before entering the clinic each and every visit. Nobody is to enter the clinic if they have a positive COVID-19 screening result.
Treatment tables and frequently touched areas are sanitized with anti-microbial solutions.
Completely renovated, Acupuncture Wellness runs a state of the art air-filtration system.
Trained in proper hand-washing procedures and the hand hygiene protocol “Five Moments Of Hand Hygiene”, which includes washing hands or using hand sanitizer prior to, and following, each patient interaction.